
How To Scale a Restroom Trailer Rental Business

How To Scale a Restroom Trailer Rental Business

Starting and scaling a restroom trailer rental company can be a lucrative endeavor, as demonstrated by Michael Viramontes, Owner of The Lavatory. Michael’s journey from a single trailer to a fleet of over 150 trailers in just six years provides key insight for aspiring entrepreneurs in this industry. Here are a few actionable tips and strategies based on Michael's experience to help you scale your own restroom trailer rental business.

Leverage Existing Experience and Networks

Michael’s background in the event rental business and his family’s company, Expo Events and Tents, gave him valuable insights that he leveraged to start The Lavatory. He also had experience working with Diamond Tents, a major player in the event industry.

Actionable Tip: Utilize your existing network and knowledge when starting your business. Leverage relationships with vendors, clients, and industry professionals to gain initial traction and credibility.

Start Small and Manage Your Schedule

Balancing a new business with existing commitments can be challenging. Michael managed his new business while working full-time at his family’s company. He scheduled trailer deliveries and pick-ups around his availability, initially using his father’s truck for transport. His growth strategy was organic and steady.

By managing your time effectively and optimizing scheduling, you can arrange your deliveries and pickups when you’re available. Communicate clearly with clients about your availability. Start with what you can manage. Starting small allows you to learn the ropes without overwhelming yourself.

Actionable Tip: When starting, balance your existing job and your new venture by managing your time efficiently. Offer delivery and pick-up times that work around your schedule and ensure you fulfill commitments, even if it means working evenings and weekends.

Build Credibility Early by Creating a Professional Image

Michael initially used his Expo email address and created professional contracts to appear larger and more established. This approach helped him secure his first long-term contract.

Actionable Tip: Project a professional image from the start. Use a professional email address, create a polished website, and have well-designed contracts and marketing materials. This helps build trust with potential clients.

Have a Plan in Place for Growth

Having a clear plan for growth is essential to success. Michael’s methodical approach to reinvesting profits, securing financing, and hiring strategically allowed him to scale effectively.

Actionable Tip: Know what you want to achieve with your business. Michael’s goal was growth, which guided his reinvestment strategy. Be patient and persistent. Scaling a business takes time and effort. Stay focused on your long-term goals and adapt your strategies as needed.

Reinvest Profits and Scale Gradually

Michael reinvested all profits back into the business, allowing him to purchase more trailers. He leveraged financing options despite the challenges and gradually built his fleet by reinvesting revenue from long-term contracts. Instead of drawing substantial income from The Lavatory initially, Michael reinvested his earnings back into his business. This strategy enabled steady growth without over-reliance on external funding.

Actionable Tip: Reinvest profits into expanding your fleet and improving your services. Consider financing options to accelerate growth, but be mindful of cash flow and repayment terms. Use revenue from long-term rentals to finance additional purchases.

Secure Financing Strategically & Navigate Financing Challenges

Michael’s journey wasn’t without financial hurdles. Securing financing was one of his biggest challenges, but it was also crucial for scaling his business. Michael faced significant challenges securing financing due to his age and the unique nature of the business. He navigated this by working with multiple finance companies and eventually securing an SBA loan to consolidate debt and purchase more trailers.

Actionable Tip: Explore multiple financing options. Be persistent in seeking financing and explore multiple avenues. Consider equipment financing companies, SBA loans, and even personal credit options if necessary. Maintain good financial records to present a strong case to lenders. Michael used various financing companies to fund his trailers. In addition to this, Michael leveraged the income from his first long-term rental contract to finance additional trailers. He used cash flow strategically to ensure continuous growth.

Focus on Marketing and Online Presence

Marketing played a crucial role in The Lavatory’s success. Michael emphasizes the importance of being visible and accessible online for customers. Ensure your business has a strong online presence, including a professional website and active Google My Business listing. Many potential clients will search online for restroom trailer rentals.

Actionable Tip: Invest in online digital marketing services to ensure your business is visible and easy for your customers to find. Optimize your website for search engines, invest in Google Advertising or other pay-per-click advertising methods, and ensure you set up a Google My Business listing to attract local customers.

Diversify Your Client Base

While many new entrants focus on special events, Michael advises also pursuing long-term rentals. Michael balanced event rentals with long-term rentals, recognizing the steady cash flow and lower labor requirements of long-term contracts. He highlighted the importance of having a mix of both to ensure consistent revenue. Short-term events can be lucrative but require more frequent labor. Long-term rentals provide steady income with less effort.

Actionable Tip: Diversify your rental offerings to include both short-term event rentals and long-term contracts. This helps stabilize cash flow and reduces reliance on the busy event season. Long-term rentals can provide steady income and lower operational demands.

Adapt and Reinvent

Michael’s ability to adapt to market demands and reinvest in his business was key to his rapid growth. He continually expanded his fleet based on customer needs and market trends. Every business faces challenges, and innovation is key to overcoming them. For Michael, this included finding creative ways to finance growth and efficiently manage his expanding fleet.

Actionable Tip: Stay adaptable and responsive to market changes. Regularly assess customer feedback and industry trends to adjust your offerings. Continuously invest in your business to stay competitive and meet evolving customer demands.

Build a Reliable Team

As the business grew, Michael hired help and eventually built a reliable team to manage operations. This allowed him to focus on scaling the business further. As your business grows, so will the demand for your time and resources. Hiring the right people is critical. Michael started with part-time help, ensuring he could manage peak times without committing to full-time salaries immediately. Given that employees will often be working independently, trust and reliability are key attributes to look for in your hires.

Actionable Tip: Hire trustworthy and capable team members as your business grows. Train them thoroughly and ensure they understand your commitment to quality and customer service. A reliable team can handle day-to-day operations, freeing you to focus on strategic growth.

Develop Strategic Partnerships

Building relationships with other businesses in the industry can be mutually beneficial. Michael formed partnerships with other restroom trailer companies to sub-rent equipment and handle overflow demand. This collaboration was crucial during peak seasons.

Actionable Tip: Build strategic partnerships with other businesses in the industry. Collaborate to share resources, manage high demand, and expand your service offerings. Partnerships can help you handle large projects and provide solutions when you’re short on equipment.


Michael Viramontes' journey with The Lavatory illustrates the potential for success in the restroom trailer rental industry. By leveraging strategies like effective time management, reinvesting profits, focusing on marketing, building a reliable team, and staying adaptable, you can scale your restroom trailer rental business efficiently and effectively. Use these actionable tips to set your business on the path to long-term success. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your existing business to the next level, these insights and tips from Michael can inspire your entrepreneurial journey.


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