
Essential Items for Disaster Relief: Shower Trailers & Other Services


With man-made and natural disasters impacting millions of people each year around the globe, providing meaningful and immediate assistance to those affected has become an unfortunate necessity. From providing potable water to first aid supplies, there are countless resources needed to address the damage caused by hurricanes, tornados, floods, and wildfires. This article takes a look at ten of the most essential items for disaster relief organizations to consider when relieving the tremendous stress and challenging circumstances faced by those faced with natural disasters.   

Essential Disaster Relief Resources & Services

The responsibility to provide all of these resources doesn’t fall on a singular disaster relief organization and is often spread among several separate charitable causes. These can include the American Red Cross, FEMA, The Salvation Army, and countless other specialized organizations focused on delivering specific aspects of disaster relief.   

  1. Power Generation
  2. Portable Bathroom Trailers
  3. Non-Perishable Food & Water
  4. Housing & Bedding Suppliers
  5. Shower Trailers & Personal Hygiene Products
  6. First Aid & Medical Supplies
  7. Emergency Internet Connection
  8. Mobile Laundry Trailers
  9. Veterinary Services
  10. Community Support & Counseling Services

Power Generation

Power lines are among the first things to lose functionality when disaster strikes, most frequently from high winds in tornados or hurricanes. Considering the vast majority of other resources and utilities depend on power to function, providing electrical service is a vastly important service for disaster relief organizations. Whether that is to power refrigeration units to prevent food spoilage, charge electrical devices, or provide light to aid recovery efforts, power generation is one of the most essential items for disaster relief organizations to set up upon their arrival. 

Portable Bathroom Trailers

Portable bathroom trailers are an essential item for disaster relief organizations for several reasons. They are highly mobile and can be deployed to hard-to-reach locations impacted by natural disasters. With variable sizes, accessibility options, and expansive tank capacities, relief organizations with portable bathroom trailers can provide the comfort of high-quality facilities to those impacted while other utilities and resources are restored. The advantage of portable bathroom trailers over the “porta-john” type solutions, is that the individuals - already displaced from the comfort of their homes - can enjoy a home-like bathroom experience. These types of trailers can include multiple shower stalls and bathroom stalls in the same unit and provide two meaningful services in a singular trailer. 

Non-Perishable Food & Water

As natural disasters can wipe out water lines and the power grid, providing non-perishable food and drinking water are essential items for disaster relief organizations. For example, Feeding America, partners with regional food banks to provide hearty and nourishing meals to families and individuals after disaster strikes. Coupled with ready access to drinking water, coffee, and tea, this service provides meaningful comfort and strength as those impacted look to restore their lives to normal. 

Housing & Bedding Supplies

Natural disasters can quickly wipe out entire neighborhoods in an instant, leaving hundreds of families without homes or secure places to sleep. Disaster relief organizations are quick to the scene to provide cots, beds, blankets, pillows, and a secure place to sleep. In some instances where school gyms, churches, or other spaces frequently used for disaster relief are impacted as well, charities may organize a fleet of bunkhouse trailers to provide adequate shelter. These mobile units provide private sleeping quarters with securely locked doors, charging for electrical devices, and closet storage. 

Shower Trailers & Personal Hygiene Products

Much like restroom facilities, the lack of running water can impact the ability to shower and maintain personal hygiene. Offering these resources can provide a meaningful boost to both physical and mental well-being. Mobile shower trailers, well-stocked with personal hygiene products like shampoos, body washes, and dental care items, are essential items for disaster relief organizations. Again, these units are highly mobile and offer the privacy and comfort seen in home bathrooms. With waste tanks capable of handling well over 1,000 gallons of grey water, these mobile shower trailers can be deployed for a considerable amount of time and allow for regular utility service to return to normal. 

First Aid & Medical Supplies

Treating scrapes, cuts, and other ailments common with natural disasters helps provide considerable relief to hospitals and other treatment centers in affected regions. FEMA and The Red Cross are consistently among the first organizations to arrive at the scene of a disaster and provide these much-needed services directly, freeing up hospitals to treat those with more serious injuries or allow space to accommodate those in other facilities impacted like nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities. Addressing injuries early and providing resources for continued care helps to also prevent infection or longer recovery periods. 

Emergency Internet Connection

With power lines, phone lines, and internet connections all tied to the same grid of poles and junction points, these can be among the first utilities to fail in a natural disaster and some of the last to return to normal. Providing mobile internet connections through hot spots or access to global wireless networks like Starlink is an essential item for disaster relief organizations to provide. Whether it’s to contact family members, and insurance agencies, or to provide some added comfort, mobile internet connections should be among the first resources provided by relief organizations to areas impacted by natural disasters. 

Mobile Laundry Trailers

If power lines and water pipes are impacted by the natural disaster, laundry services will be impossible to provide to those in need. Providing adequate laundry facilities, by way of mobile laundry trailers, is a highly essential item for disaster relief organizations. These units can offer both modern washing and drying machines with expansive waste tank capacity to provide continual relief while other utilities are restored. These units typically include mobile propane tanks to support drying capacity and only require a standard garden hose hookup and 50-amp connection. 

Veterinary Services

When responding to the chaos of a natural disaster, the predominant focus is on providing relief to humans impacted. However, a forgotten aspect is providing the necessary treatment, bedding, and food to the animals who endure the tragedies as well. From family dogs and cats to larger farm animals, providing adequate veterinary services is an essential item for disaster relief organizations. These pets are part of our families and are just as impacted by natural disasters as the rest of us. The Humane Society and The National Veterinary Response Teams are two such organizations providing immediate disaster relief services throughout the country. 

Community Support & Counseling Services

Natural disasters are tragic events that have lasting impacts on the mental and emotional health of anyone in their path. In addition to providing the actual physical services, disaster relief organizations like The Red Cross also provide adequate mental health and counseling services for anyone struggling with the traumatic response from enduring such an event. Loss can be expected in these disasters and ranges from losing belongings to family and friends. Providing counseling services that offer emotional support and strategies for future care is a priority for any disaster relief response, no matter the severity.

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